SSYCDS Board Election Results

Ari DANIEL Levine
Wed, Apr 27, 2022 2:35 PM

Dear Members,
I am grateful that so many of you voted in our recent election for the Society's Board, with a turnout rate of 67%, and
that six candidates stepped forward to run in our most competitive election ever.

The vote was extremely close, and Ping Foong and Mark Halperin were both re-elected to new four-year terms as Board members. Lina Nie was elected to a four-year term on the Board, and will be the first graduate student representative in our History. On behalf of the Society and its Officers, congratulations!

I would also like to express my sincere thanks to the members who were also in the running for Board seats-Brian Vivier, Hsiao-wen Cheng, and Eiren Shea- and would strongly encourage all of them to consider running again in the future. It's my hope that the Society's governing body will become more representative of our subfield as a whole, by including scholars at different career stages and members from a broader range of career tracks.

Thanks, Ari

Ari Daniel Levine
Horace Montgomery Professor of History
University of Georgia

President, Society for Song, Yuan, and Conquest Dynasties Studies

Dear Members, I am grateful that so many of you voted in our recent election for the Society's Board, with a turnout rate of 67%, and that six candidates stepped forward to run in our most competitive election ever. The vote was extremely close, and Ping Foong and Mark Halperin were both re-elected to new four-year terms as Board members. Lina Nie was elected to a four-year term on the Board, and will be the first graduate student representative in our History. On behalf of the Society and its Officers, congratulations! I would also like to express my sincere thanks to the members who were also in the running for Board seats-Brian Vivier, Hsiao-wen Cheng, and Eiren Shea- and would strongly encourage all of them to consider running again in the future. It's my hope that the Society's governing body will become more representative of our subfield as a whole, by including scholars at different career stages and members from a broader range of career tracks. Thanks, Ari ______________________________________________ Ari Daniel Levine Horace Montgomery Professor of History University of Georgia President, Society for Song, Yuan, and Conquest Dynasties Studies