Dear colleagues and friends,
Hope you’ve been doing well there. As those of you who attended our annual
meeting in Seattle know, the Society has appointed several new officers,
including the president, the secretary, and the journal editors. Please
check out our website for more
details about the new team and our roles.
As the outgoing secretary, I’m writing my final message and introducing our
new secretary, Professor Yiwen Li
I also wanted to share a practical tip with those of you who are new to
using listserv. Every listserv member can easily send group emails by
addressing them to "" and hitting "send" once the
message is ready. You don't need to ask the secretary to send your message
unless you find it more appropriate for some reason. I hope this clarity
helps all members make better use of this communication tool. We encourage
you to review your message’s content before sharing it. Let’s keep the
listserv a space for valuable and effective information.
Thank you for your continued support of the Society!
Warm wishes,
Ya Zuo 左婭
Associate Professor
Department of History
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9410
President, Society for Song, Yuan, and Conquest Dynasties Studies